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Global Bankers Institute Solutions

BEST! Harassment and Discrimination Training

BEST! Harassment and Discrimination Training Creates A Respectful Workplace And Minimizes HR Compliance Risk.

Harassment and Discrimination: A Compliance Requirement

In addition to creating a respectful workplace that treats every individual fairly and equally, Banks that provide all employees and managers with harassment and discrimination training limit their risk due to non-compliance with harassment and discrimination laws and regulations.

The BEST! Harassment and Discrimination Training Program

Based on global best practices in harassment and discrimination training, the BEST! Harassment and Discrimination Training Program provides your employees with the knowledge and skills they need to be the best they can be. Comprehensive training includes:

  • Introduction to Harassment and Discrimination Training
  • Harassment and Discrimination and the Bank Training
  • Harassment and Discrimination Laws Training
  • Types of Harassment and Discrimination Training
  • Sexual Harassment Training
  • Harassment and Discrimination for Supervisors Training
  • Reporting Harassment and Discrimination Training
  • Investigating Harassment and Discrimination Training
  • Retaliation Training
  • Interviewing and Hiring Training

The BEST! Harassment and Discrimination Training Program may be deployed as an eLearning, classroom or blended program, with comprehensive skill development using case studies, activities, role-plays, evaluation and testing, and final Harassment and Discrimination certification followed by mentoring and ongoing OJT. The program is completely customizable with the Bank's standards, policies and procedures, or it can be deployed as off-the-shelf training.

To learn more about how your bank can reduce the risk, click here.


Written by Clifford BrodyThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

BEST! Harassment and Discrimination Training